Matthew Timmons‘ Qualified Guesses
Bray Wyatt vs Dean Ambrose (TLC Match)
Was this the first time they’ve booked a match and advertised it (with graphics!) for the next PPV DURING the current one? Didn’t even give the JMS crew time to guess the stipulation for this gimmick post!
Luke Harper © vs. Dolph Ziggler vs Erik Rowan – Ladder Match for IC Title
This might not go on last, but it’s definitely earning match of the night status. I love the storyline potential of Ziggler trying to win his IC title back while navigating between a hillbilly hoss beatdown.
The Ascension vs. The Usos
The Usos need a match, and the Ascension have nothing left to do in NXT. I think the tag division got a nice shot in the arm at Survivor Series, showcasing well SIX tag-teams, all with relatively positive mertis going forward (YMMV on Slater/Gator but I dig ‘em.) But with the Wyatts and Shield long gone, most of these teams are quick athletic dudes zipping around. Give me a team with murder on their mind. Illuminati 4 lyfe.
Ryback vs Rusev © – United States Championship Match
I have no idea how to do this without stalling either performer’s momentum, but it the logical match, no? We’ve seen several heroic pass-outs in the Accolade, I guess one more wouldn’t hurt. Plus we go straight into Royal Rumble season after, so this feud can continue without figuring out another singles match between the two behemoths.
Miz & Mizdow © vs Los Dust Bros Tag Team Title Match
The Dusties get their automatic rematch, and Mizdow is over enough as a face to make it all work.
Cena vs Big Show (WOOF)
Talk about a match nobody wants to see. At least there’s no way this is the main event, right? Storyline-wise they kind of have to do this, but it’ll take a miracle of booking magic to make this memorable.
Bad News Barrett vs Cesaro
BNB needs a return match, and now it’s clear Cesaro took Dolph’s spot as “Guy Who Puts on Great Matches But Doesn’t Get Much Story and Probably Loses.” Don’t worry Cesaro, it eventually works out!
Nikki © vs Nattie – Diva’s Title Match
We could get right into the Bella’s blood feud, but we just don’t know Brie’s motivations yet. Go with the safe matchup that could help build the Bella’s thing into something bigger, for say WrestleMania.
Adam Rose vs The Bunny – First Blood Match
Blow this shit off, please. I like heel Rose, but short of Daniel Bryan or CM Punk, whoever’s under the bunny suit isn’t a big enough deal to delay much longer. Oh and put it on the pre-show.
Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton
Rollins, like the good young heel he is, has a multitude of enemies that could work here. You could put anyone from Team Cena and it would make sense. Roman Reigns would be a logical choice, since they didn’t have their Night of Champions match, but in his live spot last night he said he’s still a month out. So I’m going with Orton. And now without any protection from the Authority, he can’t hide from the RKO party that’s coming.
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