#HWETW Top 10 – Heat

Because we’re wrestling journalists, we’ve decided to make a Top 10 Best list. Because we're us, it's definitive. Because it's September, it's about the best kinds of heat.

3. “The Third Heat” Heat – Tri-Vection Oven

Created by the immortal Jack Donaghy (pronounced don-ə-gee) the trivection oven cooks food using “thermal, convection and microwave” heat which allows it to cook a turkey in 25 minutes. Why would you need to cook a turkey that quickly?

Because sometimes you need to get an angle over as quickly as possible, and you just don’t have six hours to cook that leg of sacrificial lamb, so you end up deciding to make someone no one ever expected the scapegoat or villain. What’s important in wrestling, and all different kinds of storytelling, is the “third heat” heat. It’s the unexpected element that no one saw coming which supersedes the narrative it’s in and rises to a symbolic level. If done poorly, it can ruin a storyline. But if done right, it can make an entire career.

How else do you think Jack became the President of GE?

Other examples: Seth Rollins

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