Juice Make Sugar Presents: Hell in a Cell Drinking Game

A fun game for our alcoholic friends who are also wrestling fans. It's time for Hell in a Cell, a great way to end a feud (and an even better way to get cirrhosis: We're not here to judge, just facilitate. )

Not since WrestleMania XXX have we done something so fun (and perhaps legally irresponsible, so be responsible playing this gamebecause dead readers are worthless to our Google AdSense account.)

But, in honor of WWE’s FAVORITE BAND PPV, we’re bringing back the OFFICIAL Juice Make Sugar PPV drinking game.

A few quick notes:

  • Seriously, don’t die or drive or anything stupid, we can’t afford your family suing us because you eliminated yourself from the Rumble (of life) 
  • Instead of writing “every time there’s a”, it (or the context-appropriate phrasing) should be implied at the beginning of each rule.
  • Anything in quotes can be paraphrased, but should maintain the basic integrity of the sentence.
  • Sips = approximately 1 second.
  • Don’t forget to check out our What’s the Worst That Could Happen? preview, the PPV Predictions episode of Nick & Andy and Angry Andy’s thoughts on the show

Other than that, have fun (responsibly):


1 sip:

“shortens careers, Maggle”
“WWE Universe”

“Trending on Twitter”/”Twitter”

“WWE App”

“Total Divas”

“Maggle” or variant from JBL

“Devil’s playground”

“putting everything on the line”

Every inappropriate Jerry Lawler joke (Editor’s Note: PLEASE use discretion)

Every time Jerry Lawler/JBL call Paige/AJ “crazy” (Editor’s Note: PLEASE use discretion)

Obscure reference to a old school wrestler by JBL

“Show off”

“This is a FIGHT”/ “They came here to fight!”

“WWE Network/Biggest thing in the history of industry/revolutionary”


3 sips:

“pound for pound one of the strongest”
“old school/throwback”
referring to Gold/Stardust as “weirdos”

any WWE commercial during PPV

any reference to anyone who has “let America down” by losing to Rusev

5 sips:

“cosmic keys”
“no absence of malice”
“career-shortening structure” <— those EXACT words
Someone kicks out of a finisher

“This is awesome” chant

submission finish

non-WWE commercial

Any announcer-based confusion W/R/T the Mizzes

Chug (10-second)

Vince McMahon appearance

Mark Henry turns on Show, Kisses Lana

“big fight feel”

“Vintage” – Michael Cole

“New champ!” – Michael Cole

Oddly clever retort to JBL’s Fox News-level conservative talking point from Michael Cole

Blood – Busted open hardway

Cut-away to celebrities in the crowd (chug for each segment, not celebrities)

Randy Orton wins


Surprise match

roll-up pin


Triple H screws someone

Title change

Blood – From blading

(2x) Brie Bella wins


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