Fantasy Booking: Backlash 2018

Let’s get our magic booking pen ready and Fantasy Book our way through tonight's card for Backlash 2018!

Braun Strowman & Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn

The Dream:  Lashley is attacked backstage and just as Braun’s about to lose hope, Nicholas comes back for one night only as Braun’s tag team partner. He then proceeds to, like so much Henry Rowengartner, somehow use what first appears to be the kind of horrific, life altering injury you’d expect from grown men even pretend fighting a child to his advantage, eventually working in an Authors of Pain style Super Collider to finish the match before getting the pin.

The Nightmare: Bobby Lashley takes the hot tag and the proceeds to… do whatever it is that Bobby Lashley does? It feel like it’s supposed to be “spears” but he’s clearly too bald for that. He’d be a damn torpedo with those kind of aerodynamics! Or, Braun is replaced by Big Cass, but Big Cass still ends up working the Daniel Bryan match on top of this one.

The Hope: Braun, who should officially be entering the “freshmen lottery pick on middling tournament team” levels of caution in his match, figures out a new way to literally run over Sami and Kevin (both inside and outside the ring) while still making them look like the heroes they have always been.

The Reality: Bobby Lashley spends WAY too much time in the ring before Braun‘s hot tag burns a hole in the ring through which he powerslams presumably both KO and Sami.

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