Dusty’s Choice

Raw Regurgitated, 9/16

There was nothing on this show – not even Daniel Bryan being stripped of the WWE title – more predictable than Paul Heyman calling himself the Best in the World. And there was nothing on this show – not even Dusty getting fist-Punted – that was executed better.

It’s hard to say which is/was the best part of this new pairing, but probably a tie between Ryback saying “you’re too much” after Paul E. kissed him on the cheek or the way his face lit up when he did it.


If they don’t watch out, the Real Americans may turn face. And turn everyone in the crowd xenophobic.

The WWE has finally figured out that blind tags are the no-look passes of wrestling: they aren’t really that hard if you plan ahead and they make everything look better.


Do you think they explained to Michael Cole that Sister Abigail was Bray Wyatt’s teacher from Sunday school, or do you just think they hope he doesn’t say it and sound like a total moron again?

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