Bang For Your Buck PPV Review: Extreme Rules 2013

Tornado Tag Team Champion Match: Team Hell No! vs. Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins of The Shield

I will miss Team Hell No! when they are gone. Not to be that guy, but I’ve been with them since Day One, and I could not be happier about Bryan Danielson’s prominence on the card as a result of this partnership. With Kane — one of the truly great big men in the history of any sport — Bryan has proven himself to be a main event star to go along with his main event in-ring talent.

HAVING SAID THAT, like the curtain jerker, this match was just “okay”. While the consequences will be much farther reaching than Fandango vs. Jericho, nothing particularly exciting happened and with four guys as talented as these that was more than a little disappointing.

Of course, the win by Reigns and Rollins is (like Ambrose’s) a small piece in a much larger story. It will not end up being as big as the nWo taking over, but putting gold on all the members of the Shield is clearly a sea change in the way that the Nexus was supposed to be. These guys are the future of the business and while this match was okay (if nothing special), that’s obviously the big takeaway. It looks like we’ll be “Believing” in the Shield for a long time to come.

Match: +.2

PPV Total: 2

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