Bang For Your Buck PPV Review: Extreme Rules 2013

United States Championship Match: Kofi Kingston (C) vs. Dean Ambrose

I was really worried that WWE would have Dean Ambrose come out by himself, and I was even more worried that Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns would get involved in the outcome of the match. Instead, they did the best of both worlds by having the rest of the Shield walk down the stairs with him before leaving him to fend for himself like parents at a busstop.

And from there, this match was (almost) precisely what it needed to be. Ambrose looked like a revelation, every bit the guy you transition your championship to (sorry, Transitional Mid-card Champion Kofi!). Kudos should be given to Kingston for being a mensch about the whole thing, flying around the ring like he was actually angry about the state of his career and his position in the company — which, in all seriousness, is how one should wrestle (because if they don’t care that they are constantly losing to guys, why should we?). Dean Ambrose is going to be a major star if he can keep his head on straight, and this match was a great start towards that. While this wasn’t a great match, it was definitely a fun match that serves a MUCH larger purpose.

Match: +.5

PPV Total: .5

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