Business Decisions

Raw Regurgitated, 11/3

Although blood should never come back to the WWE as an actual thing (as I am, of course, totally fine with accidental blood and the occasional rogue agent,) it did add a wee bit of an intrigue to the Cesaro-Dean Ambrose match. It also appeared like we were going to be able to say the same thing about Bray Wyatt, but outside of sending us to commercial with a black screen it really didn’t do much to help move his feud with Ambrose forward. At best, it served to remind people that Bray was looking to mess with Dean Ambrose, but — and this is coming from the king of Wait-and-See — if they don’t start striking when the iron is hot with these two, they stand the chance of having this feel like the match as just a roadblock on Ambrose’s journey back to Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt’s road back to … ? [ref]Sting[/ref]

While holding patterns serve a great many purposes, this is one case where it seems like they might be better off frontloading and hoping that the matches deliver on the hype instead of using “games” to build “anticipation”. People are already anticipating this, so either shit or at least have the decency to explain why you are still sitting on the pot.

We will look back one day, and this MizDow-Uso picture above will be our greatest example of the art form of professional wrestling.

And we’ll look back at Nattie-Tyson as second only to Miss Elizabeth and Randy Savage.

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