Business Decisions

Raw Regurgitated, 11/3

Without waxing too poetically, Vince McMahon is the most wonderful gift professional wrestling has ever given us.

Though it’s very clear where Stephanie gets her non-pantsuit fashion “sense”, his contributions to the industry are obviously the most significant outside of — perhaps — Toots Mondt, who literally invented  professional wrestling. That he’s forced to come back to TV to essentially beg for fans to sign up for the Network is slightly depressing, but if there’s anyone who could actually get the people to buy it, it’s one of the great salesman in the history of

It’s especially nice to see Vince back playing the role of God. Even in the magical fantasy world of professional wrestling, kings have to answer to someone, and the father of the queen is a GREAT foil. While this leading to something like “HHH vs. The Rock” for control of the WWE sounds like it would be adding meaningless sizzle to pretty substantial stakes — that match would have so much going for it that adding “control of the WWE” would be gilding the lily — this leading to a traditional Survivor Series match with actual stakes baked in works perfectly right now.

But, seriously, what’s going on with that tie, Vinny Mac?

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