#BuhBuhWeek: GIF Parade

It’s Day Three of #BuhBuhWeek, a celebration of all things Dudley and the fifth installment of our patent-pending Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. We started off with A Wrestler You Should Probably Know Better, before we gave you the finer points of the Mongo Vyle oeuvre with some Essential Viewing. Today, we march through the end of Hump Day with a #BullyRay GIF parade. Tomorrow we’ll fulfill our destiny as Amazon.com on steroids with “Juice Make Sugar Recommends…“. before finishing everything off on Friday with a Difference of Opinion (where JMS HQ erupts in a 3D!-fueled civil war.) 

He is kind of a creep.
and he really loves to powerbomb people.

especially through tables. And especially if you are a Hardy.
rayandmaeyn7 YouTube-BubbaRayDudleyPowerbombsthe
but he doesn’t discriminate about how he gets people through them
and, like most of our Wrestlers of the Week, sells


and sells


and sells

12016 - Hardy_boyz Jeff_Hardy autoplay_gif bubba_ray_dudley gif ladder leg_drop matt_hardy royal_rumble table wwf

and sells

12014 - Jeff_Hardy autoplay_gif bubba_ray_dudley chair gif royal_rumble wwf
sometimes, maybe too much

cheese grater
but he’s made something of himself in TNA, so that’s nice.

Here’s a GIF of him doing an nice looking RKO. Enjoy?

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