Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker
WrestleMania XXX
It’s the night Brock became the one in 21-and-1. I was at Boss Tweeds Saloon in NYC, for the inaugural Juice Make Sugar WrestleMania Party. Nick and I were shooting the shit, kinda dismissing this match, since it was all just a formality until the foregone conclusion.
But then… then it happened. Brock pinned the Undertaker’s shoulders to the mat. I threw my hands in the air, and held them there in shock. I texted a friend, whose feed was apparently lagging, and ruined the ending for her. (Sorry, V.) Then I looked around the room and watched everyone reacting to the biggest surprise in wrestling since Hogan’s nWo heel turn.
It was awesome.
Wrestling rarely fools anyone in this day and age. To see it done on the grandest stage of them all… priceless.