Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: Survivor Series 2014

4-Team Tornado Tag Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship

MizDo(w)s vs. The Dust(y) Brothers (Gold & Stardust) (C) vs. Los Matadores vs. The Usos

Best Case Scenario: Miz and MizDow have a mind meld, allowing them to work like I assume the Wondertwins work/hazily remember from watching the Super Friends. This allows them to defeat three other teams of brothers, breaking the longest streak of brother tag teams holding the titles since the Great Steiner-Beverly Wars of the early 90’s[ref]That’s a total lie, though seriously, it’s been a while.[/ref].

What Will Happen: Probably makes sense to give the belts to MizDo(w)s, as they have been the best thing going outside of Tyson Kidd (and at least for this guy, Ryback) and they have enough tag team experience/magic to carry the titles to, presumably, the Ascension.

This, like many of the matches tonight, built out from what was a relatively slow start. Though, as the rest of the night would make clear, the WWE’s producers and agents — along with many of the performers — have really started to hone in on the structure, pace and cadence of multi-man matches, even ones that can have as much going on as a four-team tag team match. And, at least for your correspondent, this was the best the tag team division has looked in the big picture for a long time. There seem to be at least three — and depending how you feel about Los Matadores at this point, four  — potential title holders on the main roster, and a deluge of talented twosomes just waiting on the otherside of the NXT dam.

This match was built perfectly in many, many, different directions, with the heels carrying — as they should — the majority of the in-ring storytelling, and MizDow keeping the crowd in the match like a sign language interpreter for those with too short of attention spans to enjoy a good pacing adjustment. The lead up to the ending sequences, which always manage to skirt just along “clusterfuck” before swooping back in on “visually spectacular controlled chaos”, and the endgame scenario of Miz nearly getting the glory before MizDow finally takes charge in a match — which the crowd had  been chanting/hoping/wishing/praying for the entire time — were all as good as they’ve been since the glory days of the Shield, and the choice of MizDo(w)s to win the match was simultaneously inspired and necessary. A great way to start off a PPV, especially a 15-minute talk segment was what really opened the show.

Match .75

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