Best Case Scenario: Brock Lesnar goes totally sick house on Big Show, throwing him around like he has done to Brock the past few weeks.
What Nick Wants to Happen: Brock Lesnar beats Show so bad, Show’s hair grows back.
Brock Lesnar is one of the best mat wrestlers in the history of the WWE, if not from a performance on the show standpoint, DEFINITELY from a “highly decorated legitimate champion” perspective. But anyone looking for a classic wrestling clinic, or even a real match, was barking up the wrong tree in this bout. This was never going to be anything other than Brock OBLITERATING Show, to prove his dominance and presumably make whomever he’s facing next want to, well, not have to face him.
While the match and post match beatdown were, according to reports, audibles after Show broke his hand at a house show it just added to the overarching story of Lesnar being a vicious destroyer. Just by itself, him reshaping the chair to continue to beat Show was a moment that underlined why someone like Lesnar can come in and stake a claim to the No. 1 Contendership without much of an issue either from the crowd or (in kayfabe) the boys in the back .
The little moments of “business” like Heyman throwing Brock a chair after he destroyed one helped stop the beating from becoming over kill with a moment or two of levity. Now, it’s entirely understandable why someone might see this “match” as boring, or pointless, but for this reviewer, this — like the booking in first match — seemed like the best direction given the options (and the injury to Show). And watching Brock F-5 someone as Big as Show is ALWAYS worth some of my money.
Match .6 | PPV 1.6
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