Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: Payback 2014

A day late, but NO DOLLARS SHORT, as we bring the Bang, the Buck and the PPV review of Sunday night's excellent Payback.

Intercontinental Championship


Bad News Barrett (C) vs. Rob Van Dam

I’m pretty much all in on the BNB bandwagon, and unless God has completely forsaken me, he’ll let me have this one small victory in the tidal wave of disappointment that my life has become…

While Bad News is nominally the heel, they are clearly building him up to be the “such a good bad guy, he essentially becomes a good guy by osmosis” like Gary the Henchman/#21/The Viceroy from Venture Bros. and it could not be working out any better. He has all the self-awareness of someone like John Cena without any of the baggage that comes with being someone like John Cena for ten-plus years. Bad News Barrett is a superstar in the making, somewhere between Chris Jericho and Edge in terms of card importance/overness, and showing why he won the first season of NXT over performers like Ryback and Daniel Bryan. The jokes been made, but for people who like Bad News, if he keeps having matches like this — though hopefully not against RVD — they’ll be plenty of good news in the future.

Match +.75 | PPV 3.25

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