Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: Payback 2014

A day late, but NO DOLLARS SHORT, as we bring the Bang, the Buck and the PPV review of Sunday night's excellent Payback.

Bo Dallas vs. Kofi Kingston

Let me begin by saying I LOVE BO DALLAS. I am one of the most ardent supporters of BO, a true dyed-in-the-wool BOLiever. But this was a COLOSSAL waste of time. It didn’t establish Kane as the DEMON anymore than anything else he has done in the last few weeks and it obviously didn’t make Bo Dallas look good in the ring, mostly because he didn’t actually get a chance to work. And that — his work — is the most important part for making his gimmick work to full capacity.

If he’s just annoying turd, he becomes Damien Sandow at best. And that’s not a dig on Damien, who does great things despite being given almost nothing, but can’t really connect to the audience in the way they need him to to make money on his own. The same goes for Bo Dallas. If he ends up in the equivalent of a series of chess matches or board games, only instead of competitions, it’s “ways for him to look completely oblivious in public”, it’s never going to work.

Daniel Bryan starting those YES chants worked because EVERYONE knew how good he was in the ring, so him making himself a big deal by shouting YES! every time he barely won a match worked on several levels. If he had been crappy, or never given the chance to shine as a worker, it would have never caught on. Which is to say that this wasn’t just a waste of time, but something that makes Kofi simply look like  a fool and Bo Dallas look like someone trying to hard to play dumb. And none of that is good.

“Match” -.2 (I’m sorry, Bo.) | PPV 2.0

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