Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: Payback 2014

A day late, but NO DOLLARS SHORT, as we bring the Bang, the Buck and the PPV review of Sunday night's excellent Payback.


RybAxel vs. Rhodes Brothers

This is an odd match: if you wanted to show someone who didn’t like wrestling a match to get them to appreciate it, this match would be at or near the bottom of the list.

But if you wanted to show a wrestling fan why Ryback and Curtis Axel were easily the most underrated performers in the entire company, this was perfect. It showcased their considerable talents, not just as physical specimens or legacy performers, but as guys who “get it”. They won the match cleanly and helped advance a storyline — the slow burn Cody/Goldust break up — that had nothing to do with them, simply by being the better/more cohesive team. It allowed both teams to shine, but turn in completely different directions, all while being a thoroughly entertaining match from everyone involved. Not bad for “Goldberg” and “Magic” Mike McGillicutty.

Match .5 | PPV 1.7

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