Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: Night of Champions (2013)

United States Championship Match

Dean Ambrose defeats Dolph Ziggler to retain US title

What Nick Wants to Happen: This match goes for 20 minutes, the only outside interference is a ref distraction after Ziggler’s super kick gives him the “victory”. Ambrose retains in “tainted” victory that is only tainted by Ziggler’s inability to overcome the theory of the Damned Numbers Game as opposed to the practical application of it.

If the Ziggler-Ambrose feud has/had one major issue, it’s that crowds that aren’t “smart” don’t understand/like Ziggler and that those very same crowds are FILLED with dudes who think that The Shield are heroes. The only thing worse for matches than the majority of people not having anyone to root for is the majority of people not having anyone to root for while a minority roots for the “wrong” guy. And cheering for the dude who is trying to get you to cheer for the other one is rooting for the “wrong” guy.

This match managed to overcome that, but it wasn’t able to overcome Ziggler’s inability to look believable on his comebacks after getting his ass kicked so majestically. Until he stops making other guys look so good (and stops gyrating at the beginning of his entrance) he will never get over to the level he needs. Ultimately, a mildly disappointing match, mostly because the expectations were so high coming in.

Match: +.5 | Overall: 2.5

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