Intercontinental Championship match
Curtis Axel vs. Kofi Kingston
What Nick Wants to Happen: CM Punk gets his hands on Heyman, Kofi Kingston comes out and screws over Punk, becomes new Heyman guy. Kofi awarded IC title by Paul E., who isn’t mad at Curtis Axel. Just disappointed.
Considering his full name is Kofi Kingston, Transitional Mid-card Champion, and they hadn’t handwaved Curtis defending the title on the only night he is “required” to, so you just knew this was going to happen on some level. This wasn’t a bad match, and it made Axel look strong enough that when he got beat up later in the night, people weren’t wondering why he was champion. It’s not a match that did much for Kofi, but it wasn’t supposed to. And didn’t do much for the viewer, but it wasn’t supposed to.
Match: +.3 | Overall: .3
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