Angry Andy’s WrestleMania Recap

Sting HHH

Sting vs. Triple H

I’ll keep my cool if: Entrances. Staredown. Brawl around the outside. Triple H gets the heat. Sledgehammer. Bat. Sting gets the shine. Sting kicks out of a pedigree. Triple H kicks out of a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting fights out of a Figure 4, and wins clean with a Scorpion Death Lock.

Alright, this is where my predictions and wrestling logic went out the window. The brawl? I was right on. But when DX and the nWo got involved, my predictions went on life support. When Triple H won, they died a very dramatic death.
I saw a lot of complaining online about this match. Complaints about the entrances. Complaints about the fact that the nWo was helping Sting. Complaints about 2 different parts of the Kliq doing battle against each other. Complaints that Triple H won. Complaints, complaints, complaints.

Shut up.

I was surprised when DX came out. I popped when the nWo came out. I lost my shit when the camera revealed Shawn Michaels in the ring for that surprise Sweet Chin Music. And when Triple H used the broken off sledgehammer to finally take Sting out, and win? Awesome. Not to mention the fact that Triple H seemed to suffer a SERIOUS leg injury early in the match, and work the whole thing without a problem. Two legends doing their thing. This was great.

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