Angry Andy’s Top 10 WrestleMania Replacements for Brock Lesnar


7.  Sheamus

Why it works: Triple H said it himself: kayfabe is dead.  And in this age, we know that Sheamus is Triple H’s boy and/or workout partner.  We know he’s protected.  He’s “in.”  He’s on the periphery of the Authority, and he’s a natural heel.  If Triple H is going to bring out the big guns to keep Reigns away from the title, how much bigger do they get than a former world champion, like Sheamus?

Not to mention, this match would be beautifully hard-hitting.

Why it would make me angry: I’ve been sick of Sheamus for a long time, so I’d probably groan the moment his theme song hit.  I’d groan at a bunch of his signature spots, and I’d groan when he started beating his chest for a Brogue Kick.

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