Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Jack Swagger
WWE United States Championship – Chairs Match
Good thing they did that silly little sword fight with the chairs on Raw, or this match would make no sense, right? Then it’d fit in with the rest of the damn story.
I love Swagger, and I love ADR, but I hate literally everything about this. I hate ADR paired with Zeb. I hate that they essentially retconned years of storylines, and I hate the fact that ADR went from BEATING JOHN CENA CLEAN IN HIS RETURN MATCH to feuding with a guy who had largely disappeared from TV for a full calendar year.
But, you know, “WE THE PEOPLE” is over, so they’vve got that going for them.
Both of these guys are WRESTLERS, so I don’t see the chairs gimmick helping them any. If anything, I would have kept this one gimmick-free, and saved a gimmick for Ambrose-Owens.
I’ll be angry if: Swagger wins. I might be okay with it in a month or two, but not yet. He needs to build some serious momentum first.
I’ll keep my cool if: Del Rio wins… especially if he and the League of Nations straight up destroy Zeb Colter.
I’m expecting…: Del Rio beats Swagger, Swagger saves Zeb, We the People, mild pop.
If I booked it: Del Rio wins clean. Del Rio handcuffs Swagger to the ropes, and makes him watch as he systematically destroyed Zeb. Zeb disappeared again, because he’s sent to NXT to help with promos and story/character development. Swagger back for blood against Del Rio, and becomes a white-hot babyface in the process.
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