Andy’s Ecstatic: NXT Takeover Brooklyn

Balor Owens

Kevin Owens vs. Finn Balor

Ladder Match for the NXT Championship

I’ll be angry if: These guys get short on time, and overdo it with crazy, rushed ladder bumps.
I’ll keep my cool if: They get time to tell their story, and make a small handful of ladder bumps really count.

I kinda got both in this match. The show went long, so I’m sure the “Owens ladder bump party” at the end went a bit quicker than it was supposed to. But, they also made sure to tell a story in the ring before a single ladder was used… and most of the ladder falls were smart, and not overly dangerous.

I don’t have a problem with this match.

But… considering how “toned down” this ladder match was, versus what we’ve come to expect from matches like this… this wasn’t a main event. In a sentence I don’t get to say very often…. these guys simply could not follow the girls.

All in all, this was a really fun show. It was an incredible crowd to be a part of, even when the crowd got really annoying (chanting for them to put the match on the big screen? There is literally not a single bad seat in the Barclays Center. I had a nosebleed seat and saw the show fine. STFU and enjoy the show) there was incredible, undeniable energy in the building, that made it nearly impossible to have a bad time.

If this is how the NXT crew performed on Summerslam weekend, imagine what they’ll do on a WrestleMania weekend show?

The real question is… can the main roster top what we saw at Takeover: Brooklyn? Will they be allowed to try? Or will we get a second incredible night of action, in front of another incredible crowd?

I’m glad I’ve already paid my $9.99…

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