Andy’s Angry: Fantasy Booking the Survivor Series (on the WWE Network!)

Kickoff Show Match

#1 Contendership for the WWE United States Championship

15-man Battle Royal

Ryback, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan, Jack Swagger, Bo Dallas, Adam Rose, Xavier Woods, Big Show, Mark Henry, Fandango, Curtis Axel, R-Truth, Justin Gabriel, The Great Khali, Christian

Throw in anyone else who happens to be wandering around by catering.  I’m sure you could find someone to stuff in a bunny suit.  And hey, maybe JBL and Jerry Lawler want to get in on the action.  Whatever.  It’s just another fun way to use the survivor theme, and build a new babyface beast opponent for Rusev.  I’d pick Ryback, but there are also some former Wyatts

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