Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE WrestleMania 31 Edition

Sting Triple H

Sting vs. Triple H

This is one of two matches that is not the main event, but probably should be. This is one of the last real dream matches in professional wrestling. The guy who defined WCW, taking on the guy who tells himself he defines WWE. It’s really something special, whether you want to believe it or not.

The real question for me here is whether or not Sting can deliver at the level he really needs to in order for this to be a WrestleMania classic. We know Triple H can and will deliver. We know Sting had some good matches in TNA (and that abortion with Jeff Hardy). But what happens when two guys, who are both at their best when wrestling someone better then they are, are tasked with having a “best match ever” contender?

I’ll be angry if: This goes too long.  Short, simple, 15-20 minutes TOPS.  Anything beyond will expose Sting as a tired old man, and HHH as being incapable of carrying a legend to a classic.

I’ll keep my cool if: Entrances. Staredown. Brawl around the outside. Triple H gets the heat. Sledgehammer. Bat. Sting gets the shine. Sting kicks out of a pedigree. Triple H kicks out of a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting fights out of a Figure 4, and wins clean with a Scorpion Death Lock.

I’m expecting: Pretty much the scenario I just laid out, with a wildcard appearance from Ric Flair… and maybe some blood.

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