Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins
There’s something weird about this match. It’s been well-built since Summerslam. Randy Orton is coming to deliver Seth Rollins his comeuppance, after Rollins and The Authority made Orton look like a chump. The match itself is going to be awesome. And yet… I’m not the least bit excited about it.
Weird, right? I think part of the problem, for me, is that the result is pretty much set in stone. Orton has to win. Orton’s going to win. Can these guys give us a match exciting enough to work around what is completely predictable (though logical, and as such, proper) booking?
I’ll be angry if: WWE defies all logic and has Rollins win, clean.
I’ll keep my cool if: Orton beats Rollins, and murders half of the Authority in the process.
I’m expecting: RKOs for everyone. Joey Mercury takes that diving RKO he takes so well. Jamie Noble gets punted. And Seth Rollins eats defeat when they’re no one left to save him. Orton wins, but Rollins doesn’t exactly lose. More on THAT later.
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