Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt
I finally figured out why I’m not digging this feud. It’s almost identical to the feud between CM Punk and Chris Jericho that led to their World Title match at Wrestlemania 29 in Miami. Two amazing wrestlers, two great talkers… reduced to talking about Daddy issues and substance abuse.
I’m not excited for this feud whatsoever, but the match should still be good. Luckily for WWE, the crowd loves these guys, so even if it starts slow, the crowd should get into it.
I’ll be angry if: There’s a bullshit non-finish. We get a lot of those in Ambrose matches, in the name of “protecting” him. He needs a win, and he needs a big one.
I’ll keep my cool if: Bray Wyatt does a clean job at the end of an awesome match… and follows it up with some deliciously evil revenge.
What I’m expecting: Ambrose wins with an RKO Dirty Deeds OUTTA NOWHERE, and is promptly murdered to death by Wyatt, and perhaps his new family.
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