Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Summerslam 2015 Edition

Show Ryback Miz

Big Show vs. Ryback (c) vs. The Miz

Intercontinental Championship Match

I would have been fine with this feud ending at Payback, and Ryback moving on to a singles feud with someone. Thanks a lot, staph infection.

Ryback’s title reign has been a total bust so far, so he needs to look great in victory here, and then move on to a more meaningful feud, with more meaningful title defenses.

I’ll be angry if: Big Show wins. I’m chanting “please retire” at him, but there’s no need for him to hold gold, especially the IC belt.

I’ll keep my cool if: Ryback wins.

I’m expecting…: Ryback wins.

If I booked it: Ryback squashes both guys, puts Big Show on the DL, and causes Miz to hide the ol’ Money Maker for a while. Kevin Owens jumps Ryback backstage, sparking a new title feud.

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