Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Payback Edition

Ziggler Sheamus

Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus

There are times in wrestling where everything just makes sense. Babyface Ziggler paired up with heel Sheamus? Yeah, that’s the stars aligning for something wonderful. The big bully bruiser and the hotshot, who makes everyone look good? This is a match made in heaven – and it’s why we’re going to keep seeing it.

We all know what happened at Extreme Rules. With nothing on the line in this match, we know it’s not the end of their feud. It can’t end until someone loses SOMETHING – and it won’t be tonight.

Sheamus needs the win. Sheamus gets the win.

I’ll be angry if: I don’t see this making me angry, unless it ends in 30 seconds.

I’ll keep my cool if: These guys are allowed to go out and do their things, and the match builds to something logical at either Elimination Chamber, or Money in the Bank.

I’m expecting…: Sheamus gets the win on some crazy Ziggler bump. Both guys get in the Elimination Chamber match for the Intercontinental title. Sheamus costs Ziggler the title, leading to their big feud blow off at Money in the Bank or Summerslam.

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