Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Night of Champions Edition

Ryback Owens

Ryback (c) vs. Kevin Owens

Intercontinental Championship Match

Owens has been portrayed as a prize fighter, but with one big problem: he loses all of his big matches.

Ryback’s Intercontinental championship reign has left a lot to be desired. Ryback is great. His run at top? Not so much.

Kevin Owens needs to take this match. He needs the belt as a bragging right, and he needs some big momentum going forward. It’d be nice is he had a shiny title for Sami Zayn to challenge him for, too.

I’ll be angry if: Ryback wins.

I’ll keep my cool if: Owens wins.

I’m expecting…: Ryback wins.

If I booked itOwens wins.

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