Intercontinental Championship Match
Ryback (c) vs. Big Show
Ryback finally gets his momentum back as a babyface, and WWE throws their perpetual momentum killer out as his first challenger for the Intercontinental Championship. I don’t get it. The only possible winning scenario here is Ryback hits some amazing feat of strength on Big Show, and the feud ends quickly.
I’ll be angry if: Big Show wins. They wrestle again at Battleground. I have to pretend to care about Battleground.
I’ll keep my cool if: Ryback wins in relatively short fashion. Big Show makes Ryback look like a beast, instead of a momentum-less, early-2015 Roman Reigns.
I’m expecting…: A slow, plodding match, that ends with Big Show getting Shellshocked. Miz tries to interfere, and looks like a dope in the process.
If I booked it: Ryback would have a better opponent. Maybe Bray Wyatt…you know, the guy he was feuding with until like a week ago, when it ended with absolutely zero resolution?
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