Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Extreme Rules 2015 Edition

Rollins Orton

Steel Cage Match – RKO Banned – WWE Championship

Seth Rollins (c) vs. Randy Orton

You saw WrestleMania, right? Of course you did — you paid your $9.99.  So you know just as well as I do that these two guys have amazing chemistry together in the ring. You also know that what you saw was them holding back, because at Mania, they were in the midcard. At Extreme Rules, they’re the main event. And they’re in a cage. And it’s for the title.

It’s gonna be good…even if you rolled your eyes at the “enforcer Kane” announcement.

If I stop and think about this for more than, say, 30 seconds, there’s only one way this match ends. Rollins gets f’ing destroyed by Orton. J&J Security (my favorite supporting characters on the roster, by the way) climb in and eat a pair of RKOs. Orton tries to escape the cage…and Kane closes the door on his head. Not because he wants to, mind you, but because his two week notice lasts another eight days. Kane vs. Orton on Raw. Orton murders everyone en route to another title shot at Payback.

I’ll be angry if: WWE ignores logic for the sake of a shocking title change. Just because something is unpredictable, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

I’ll keep my cool if: WWE does what makes sense. Predictability doesn’t mean BAD.

I’m expecting: The exact scenario I laid out above, complete with the Orton-Kane match on Raw.


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