Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Extreme Rules 2015 Edition

Bryan Barrett

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

So, the $100,000 question tonight is whether Bryan will be able to compete and, if not, then what? Part of me expects Bryan to show up and lose in, say, 30 seconds…. but let’s go with the “Bryan can’t wrestle” option here.

They can’t just hand #BNB the belt again. They pretty much did that when he returned, and then jobbed him out, absolutely killing his heat in the process. They can’t NOT have a match, and they can’t act like Barrett doesn’t deserve his rematch…so what do you do?

My ideal choice? You make the Harper-Ambrose match a #1 contenders match, and have the winner face Barrett for the vacated/interim Intercontinental championship. That works if you’re planning on having Ambrose win. Harper?

Not so much.

Another option would be to have some of the other WrestleMania IC-title match participants square off in the pre-show. Have R-Truth, Stardust, etc square off, with the winner getting a shot on the main show. Hell, make it a battle royal – since those are ALWAYS OVER. In this case, have Ryback win. Have him and #BNB go at it, and have Bray Wyatt cost Ryback the title. BNB gets the win, and a new feud is born.

I’ll be angry if: This ends up being insulting, or a waste of time. Bryan works hurt.

I’ll keep my cool if: Bryan is healthy enough to work, or WWE does really well by making the best of a bad situation.

I’m expecting: Bryan demands he be allowed to wrestle. The Authority don’t allow it. Barrett tells Bryan he’s got some bad news…and a new champion is crowned.

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