Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Extreme Rules 2015 Edition

Nikki Naomi

WWE Divas Championship Match

Nikki Bella (c) vs. Naomi

Naomi has one of the more interesting stories over the last year and a half than most of the roster. Feel free to disagree, but you’d be wrong. Now, she finally has a shot at the title that she should have had more than a year ago… and she’s not going to win. Not yet.

Much like the New Day, Naomi’s character is more compelling at this stage if she loses. She has more to be angry about, and she has more of a reason to come back strong. If she wins, she’d seemingly go back to being a smiley cheerleader…and that’s moving backwards.

I’ll be angry if: Naomi loses, or Nikki wins clean.

I’ll keep my cool if: Naomi looks good, but costs herself the match, whether she gets herself DQ’d, or gets counted out going after Brie… you get the idea.

I’m expecting: CM Punk chants.

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