Jack Swagger vs. Rusev
I love the buildup to this feud. It’s SO simple. But old school is new school, and WWE has done a great job with this. Much of it is the emphasis they’ve placed on Rusev, and how he’s beating Americans on the behalf of Russia. The rest? Incredible mic work by Zeb Colter. His promo Monday night, talking about fighting in wars for his country and all that…. It was amazing. It was the first time in a long time that I listened to a midcard promo, where I felt the guy delivering it meant every word he was saying. The character is real. It felt real. And it’s selling this angle beautifully.
I’ll be angry if: WWE squashes Swagger. He’s not going to win, but he needs to look good. Babyface Jack Swagger is temporary – he’ll be heel again before Night of Champions. Rusev is going to be a top heel. He needs to win, and he’s going to. But he can’t simply kill Swagger.
I’ll keep my cool if: Rusev wins a good, competitive match. After the match, Lana declares Rusev’s intentions to continue his domination of the US by beating the United States Champion, Sheamus, in Rusev’s next hoss fight. I don’t think I’m getting this as quickly as I’d like, thanks to the Miz, but I’ll be much happier with Sheamus-Rusev.
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