Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt
I’m confused. I don’t know what’s at stake, or who stands to gain with a victory here. I do know that Bray Wyatt hit CM Punk-while-feuding-with-Rey-Mysterio levels of creepy when he brought Roman Reigns’ daughter into the mix, but besides that? I don’t know.
I expect this to be good, but for me, it’s a lot like the Orton-Sheamus match. It’s got a lot of potential to be good, but at the end of the day, it’s kind of just… there.
I’ll be angry if: Bray Wyatt is booked into oblivion, and pushed off the Summerslam card.
I’ll keep my cool if: Both guys come out looking strong, especially if Wyatt wins.
I’m expecting…: WWE wants Roman to look good, and eventually be “the guy…” so #LOLRomanWins.
If I booked it: Wyatt goes over in a creepy-cool way. Reigns gets his revenge at Summerslam, and re-enters the WWE Championship picture.
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