Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Battleground Edition

Orton Sheamus

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Like it or not, this feud has been pretty solid. Great in-ring work and, more importantly, no one is expecting you to cheer for Sheamus… so we’ve got that going for us, which is nice.

The thing with this match is that nothing is really on the line. Nobody gains anything from winning, and nobody loses anything by losing. Both guys continue to just kinda…exist, on the periphery of the main event, in a land where no one wants to see either of them with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Nothing about this match will make me overtly angry, but nothing’s there to make it anything special, either. Here’s hoping they come up with some big spot, or something, to make this memorable. If not, they’re going to beat the hell out of each other for 12 minutes and accomplish absolutely nothing.

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