Andy Will Be Angry If…: NXT Unstoppable Edition

Baron Corbin Rhyno

Baron Corbin vs. Rhyno

I like Baron Corbin’s schtick. Arrive, kick ass, and leave, because I’m not getting paid by the hour. It’s a cool way to build up a new bruiser without exposing how green he is. It’s the Goldberg formula, and it works. Ryback is living proof.

But when it comes to that formula, you need to build on it with feuds and storylines. WWE tried with the Bull Dempsey feud. Their blowoff match wasn’t as bad as some made it out to be, but like Nick said, “who’s calling it, Bull Dempsey?” Both guys need to be working with more experienced guys to gain legitimate experience, get over, and get it.

Enter Rhyno.

Rhyno is a Paul Heyman creation that was built on the Goldberg formula. Show up, kick ass, GTFO. Cut crazy promos, too. It worked so well that people seemed to ignore/forget the fact that Rhyno’s all of 5’8. And here we are, more than 15 years later, looking forward to a Rhyno match on pay-per-view the WWE Network.

This match has to be about building Corbin. He has to look like a star, and he has to look competent against guys with far more experience…and far more talent. Rhyno may have his work cut out for him tonight.

I’ll be angry if: This goes long. Rhyno wins in 30 seconds. Corbin is exposed for the still-green talent he is.

I’ll keep my cool if: WWE uses some smoke and mirrors, and probably a sick brawl around the ringside area, to pass this off as a good match.

I’m expecting…: Baron Corbin kicks out of the Gore. When Rhyno goes for another one, Corbin catches him and hits his finish. Handshake post-match, with Corbin having earned the respect of the ECW original and hardcore icon.

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