Mojo Rawley vs Bull Dempsey
I’m not gonna lie, I’m excited for this match. And my excitement has absolutely nothing to do with Mojo Rawley, hype as he may be. I’m a Bull Dempsey fan. I got to see some of his work on the indies before he got signed, and the guy has a ton of potential. He looks different, he wrestles different. Different is good. Different can be money. Different can be the difference between “making it” and being another Create-A-Wrestler style clone we saw come up in the mid-2000s, who have all pretty much disappeared from the business, and our memories.
I’m excited to see Bull’s first big match on the big stage’s smaller stage’s biggest stage (got that?). If this goes well, it could be a good indicator of things to come not just for Dempsey, but for Rawley as well. I don’t see Mojo as a top guy, ever, but as a Santino-level midcarder? Sure.
I’ll be angry if: Mojo goes over. This match lasts longer than about 8-10 miniutes.
I’ll keep my cool if: Bull wins convincingly, in a match short enough to protect both guys. Mojo gets some of his stuff in, and keeps the crowd behind him in defeat.
What I’m expecting: Short, sweet, hard-hitting. Dempsey wins in 5 minutes or less.
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