Andy Will Be Angry If…: Night of Champions Edition

Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins

Well…I know what you’re thinking.  “Andy, don’t you know? This match is canceled! Roman Reigns got rushed in for emergency surgery and is out for 4-6 weeks!  Why is this still here?”  Well, I wrote this a few days ago.  My thought process remains the same, and that’s what I’m presenting here.  Besides, I can’t predict what WWE is going to do to handle this situation tonight.  So, that said, I’m going to leave my original thoughts, and see what happens.

I’ll be angry if: Roman Reigns is invincible here, or if Rollins looks like a chump.  Both of these guys have more to lose than gain here.

I’ll keep my cool if: The action is good, and someone teaches Reigns a few new moves.  Reigns looks like the future WWE Champion he’s poised to be, and Rollins looks good in defeat.

What I’m expecting: Reigns fights off Corporate Kane and a briefcase, hits a spear, and gets the win.  Rollins teases cashing in later.

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