Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins
Well…I know what you’re thinking. “Andy, don’t you know? This match is canceled! Roman Reigns got rushed in for emergency surgery and is out for 4-6 weeks! Why is this still here?” Well, I wrote this a few days ago. My thought process remains the same, and that’s what I’m presenting here. Besides, I can’t predict what WWE is going to do to handle this situation tonight. So, that said, I’m going to leave my original thoughts, and see what happens.
I’ll be angry if: Roman Reigns is invincible here, or if Rollins looks like a chump. Both of these guys have more to lose than gain here.
I’ll keep my cool if: The action is good, and someone teaches Reigns a few new moves. Reigns looks like the future WWE Champion he’s poised to be, and Rollins looks good in defeat.
What I’m expecting: Reigns fights off Corporate Kane and a briefcase, hits a spear, and gets the win. Rollins teases cashing in later.
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