Riding its surprisingly effective gimmick — every title on the line on the same night — the Night of Champions PPVs have always been somewhere between “watchable” (2013) and “awesome” (2008). Because we love you, we’re giving you some time getting Angry with Andy, an episode of Nick and Andy Tag Team Wrestling previewing the show, and of course, this thing you are reading right now. Then, we drop our world famous Bang for Your Buck PPV review in your lap on Monday morning(-ish).
To make sure you don’t miss anything, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. Now that we’ve gotten the shameless plugs out of the way, let’s figure out What’s the Worst That Could Happen tonight in the great American city of Nashville, Tenn.:
Mark Henry vs. Rusev
Rusev’s build continues to be the most amazingly old-school thing WWE has done in ages. It’s also the best slow-build WWE has done in recent memory, period. The guy is an absolute beast and, if they continue to play their cards right, a future WWE champion.
Mark Henry is coming toward the end of his career. He probably has a couple of PPV (or, WWE Network Special Event) main events left in him, even if it means getting killed by Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble.
Both guys need to come out looking strong here, which isn’t much of a stretch. Rusev can’t lose, but Henry can’t look weak, since he’s going to have to help Lesnar keep his heat down the road.
I’ll be angry if: Henry wins. He can’t win. He needs to come close, but he can’t take the “W.”
I’ll keep my cool if: Rusev steals a win.
What I’m expecting: Henry dominates Rusev, slips on a banana peel, and taps to The Accolade. After the match, Henry gets an old school “nobody really jobs” comeback, hitting Rusev with a World’s Strongest Slam.
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