And the Crowd Goes “Yes!”

Raw Regurgitated, 10/14

They better learn to only let Cesaro do the Giant Swing when he isn’t about to fall down from exhaustion, because the first time he isn’t able to do it, The Internet will make sure he never lives it down.


I’m not usually one who asks “what does this do for _____”, but what exactly does Tamina beating Brie do for anyone? It makes the champion — AJ — look like her muscle is better than she is (which is a feud we DO NOT need to see), makes Brie looks like she can’t handle someone with significantly less in-ring ability than her (which isn’t saying a whole lot for Tamina) and makes Tamina look like an idiot for joining forces with AJ (have they told us WHY she’s working with her yet?).


Along the same lines as Ryback’s match, having Curtis Axel piss everyone — the commentators, Paul Heyman and Ryback — off by actually trying to beat Punk is a brilliant bit of character work that will clearly lead to dissension in the Heyman family.

This has to be the match where CM Punk finally gets his hands on Heyman, right? This part of the show can’t turn into The Land of the Lost, where they keep just missing their chance to go home. And if they do decide to turn this into that and DON’T invite Timothy Bottoms to guest host, well, I just give up on wrestling.

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