A 3-Hour Casual Male XL Commercial

Raw Regurgitated, 11/4

***WARNING YOU ARE NOW ENTERING A WRESTLING NERD DISCUSSION ZONE*** PLEASE KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS INSIDE OF KAYFABE*** When we look back at the career of CM Punk, this Wyatt Family feud will likely be seen as a stopgap unless the “The Devil Made Me Do It” payoff propels either he or Daniel Bryan back to the very top of the main event. But, even with that, this is precisely the type of adventure these two should be going on now that The Dragon has joined the upper middle class of the WWE: tangentially tied to the major storyline in the company without forcing either to get on the Treadmill of Disappointment that is going to be the life of any face trying to take the belt off of “The Authority” until WrestleMania. If they insist on making us wait for the payoff, this is the “trials and tribulations of being a hero” that they should be focusing on instead of giving the Yes Lock to Unabomber look-a-likes with itchy Superkickin’ feet. That Brodie Lee and the rest of the Family might get even more over because it is just icing on delicious cake. ***WARNING YOU ARE NOW EXITING A WRESTLING NERD DISCUSSION ZONE*** PLEASE ENJOY YOUR COMPLIMENTARY SONIC MILKSHAKE ON THE WAY OUT***

Given Cena’s key demographics: an inherently transient audience — children — and people who like the role of the valiant hero/prince charming trope it seems that a lengthy absence by the very handsome (according to my girlfriend/the entirety of wrestling Tumblr) and engaging Punk would hurt the company a lot more than The Franchise’s. Which is weird to think about.

Is the ponytail Daniel Bryan’s version of the “serious” haircut so that we know he means business?

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