Tag Team Turmoil No. 1 Contender’s Match
The Prime Time Players vs. The Usos vs. Tons of Funk vs. The Real Americans vs. 3MB
Best Case Scenario: This manages to be the “Past Tense” episode of Venture Bros., used to explain for all time why specific teams don’t get along with other teams, thereby establishing the division as not just what happens when “Creative doesn’t have anything for you” but a place where characters can develop through a shared, albeit convoluted history where the least cool or interesting member of the group (Drew McIntyre) is accidentally but habitually tortured by his “friends”. PTPers win this match, win Shield match to get in view of Better for Business Bureau’s heat laser.
Worst Case Scenario: After JBL and Lawler spend the entire match make thinly veiled gay jokes to “honor” JR’s constant ribbing of Pat Patterson. Somehow, Tons of Fun and 3MB manage an accidental Dusty finish, leading to a three-way tornado tag against the Shield. ToF wins, Randy Orton joins team as their reverse Rikishi
What Nick Wants to Happen: PTPers manage to defeat the Real Americans, establishing two major teams in the division who can feud with each other while the Shield beat up more popular people, Real Americans screw over PTPers in title match.
What Will Happen: PTPers beat 3MB while JBL makes thinly veiled gay jokes about Heath Slater.
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