An even longer time ago in a galaxy quite far away, we used to ask “What’s the Worst That Could Happen?” before every PPV.
But, along with some other changes happening in the future with some of our old-time Juice Make Sugar favorites, we’ve decided to embrace the power of positivity and Fantasy Book each show before it happens. We’re back this week with Money in the Bank, not so secretly America’s true fifth major PPV.
Without further ado, let’s get our magic booking pen ready and try to figure out what’s going to happen tonight in Chicago at MONEY IN THE BANK (2018):
Daniel Bryan vs. Big Cass
The Dream:
The Nightmare: The Authority comes back, but instead of winking at the idea that they are holding back Daniel Bryan while explicitly pushing him to the main event of the biggest show in the company’s history, they prove the entire Cageside Seats comment section correct and bury him under a pile of Big Cass elbow drops.
The Hope: For this feud to be definitively ended as a result of this match, with Daniel Bryan moving on to bigger and better things, while Big Cass can … honestly, I don’t care what Big Cass does as long as he does it as far away from Daniel Bryan and the Miz’s WWE title feud as is humanly possible.
The Reality: Daniel Bryan will win this, but it will also likely not be blown off until SummerSlam as Cass will almost certainly get disqualified for trying to Murder-Death-Kill Bryan with either his words and biting sarcasm or his very mediocre worked punches.