Spoiler Alert: Watch, Skip or Skim with Angry Andy (3/26-3/28)

Every week, Angry Andy previews the hours and hours of pre-recorded programming WWE puts on the air, and lets you know what’s worth watching, and what’s not. This week, you have a lot of shows to watch...on Fast Forward.


Main Event

We start the show with a schedule change.  Christian won’t get an Intercontinental Title shot tonight, because he has a concussion  So the three guys he defeated for a title shot, are going to fight for a title shot.

Dolph Ziggler d Alberto Del Rio & Sheamus
Ziggler wins clean with a Zig Zag.  Renee Young interviews Ziggler & Big E after the match, and like an actual journalist, points out all the history between them.  Fancy that.  Ziggler says he’s going to win the Andre the Giant Battle Royal at Wrestlemania…and he’s going to do it as Intercontinental Champion.

Layla, Alicia Fox, Aksana, Tamina Snuka & Summer Rae d Eva Maria, Natalya, Emma, Cameron & Naomi
This match exists for one reason – to remind you that 10 divas will challenge for the title at Wrestlemania.  I can’t imagine that match going too well – -or this one, for that matter.

Big E d Dolph Ziggler
So much for Dolph winning the title. This is said to be a good, back-and-forth match.  I believe it.


I’ll be watching this bad boy on my DVR.  I’ll have my thumb on the “fast forward” button for a good chunk of it.  If nothing else, the main event sounds pretty good.

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