Watch, Skip or Skim: Spoiler Alert with Angry Andy (3/19-3/21)



Cody Rhodes & Goldust d The Real Americans

I haven’t seen this yet, but you can bet I’m going to.  With the four men involved, this is bound to be good…especially since this is the main roster show where wrestlers are allowed to, you know, wrestle.

Cameron & Naomi d Layla & Alicia Fox

Hey, Layla’s back!  I love Layla, so it’s nice to see she’s back. Naomi pins Alicia with her split-legged moonsault.
As a side note, it’s nice to see the women winning matches with established finishing moves.  Treat women’s wrestlers like wrestlers, and the fans react accordingly.  Amazing, huh?

Big Show d Titus O’Neil

Glad to see the heel turn is working out for Titus.

Undertaker & Paul Heyman appear to build the Mania match, and hype a Taker-Lesnar confrontation on Raw.

WATCH THIS SHOW.  This show has something for everyone, really.  A fantastic tag match to open the show, attractive women having a good match, giants, Paul Heyman, and the dead man.

WWE Superstars


Natalya d Alicia Fox

This is probably fine fundamentally, but I can’t imagine it being too exciting.  I hate to say it, but I’m really tired of Natty.  She’s good, but good and entertaining are two very different things.

R-Truth & Xavier Woods d 3MB

Nice to see Truth back in action.  Considering everyone involved, this is probably  a pretty fun, albeit irrelevant, little match.

SKIM THIS SHOW. Leave it on as background noise when it airs on the Network, but don’t go out of your way for it.



Kane reads an apology letter, written by Triple H.  I love super insincere apology gimmicks, so this should be fun.

Fernando d Fandango

I guess Fandango’s in the dog house for whatever happened Monday night with Goldust.  Dustin was clearly pissed in the ring after that match.  I’d love to know what happened once everyone got behind the curtains.  Whatever it was seems to be bad news for Mr. Curtis.

Dolph Ziggler d Damien Sandow

These guys work really well together, so this should be fun.  Nice to see Sandow back on TV, too.  Hopefully both of these guys are used more prominently after Wrestlemania, once the part-timers disappear.

The Shield vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel vs. 3MB vs. The Real Americans

This is a number one contenders match for the tag team championship…and it ends without a number one contender. In the end, Kane and The New Age Outlaws (the Authority’s B-Team) stand over The Shield, and everyone else.  I’m predicting a six-man at Raw, and a big spear for Kane.

Miz TV

Ah, the worst WWE talk show segment since….ever?  Does ever work here?  This pretty much turns into a faux battle royal, to plug the Andre the Giant gimmick at Mania.

Alberto Del Rio d Big E

This is a non-title match.  It probably leads to a title match at Raw, or Mania.  If it’s the latter, I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s on the pre-show.

The Bellas d Natalya & Summer Rae

Brie pins Natty.  Is Natty a heel now?  Or is this another one of those “nobody pays attention to the girls, just send four of ‘em out there and fill 6 minutes” situations?

Kane grants the Real Americans and RybAxel tag team title matches.

Alexander Rusev is still speaking in Bulgarian.  It’s time to start replacing these with highlights of him straight-up murdering people in NXT.  “Arrive, gibberish, leave” isn’t getting over.

John Cena d Luke Harper

Cena wins clean with the AA.  Afterwards, he cuts a promo on Bray Wyatt, saying his entrance is like The Undertaker’s.  Cue Taker.  Dead Man and Cena hit their finishes, in stereo, on Harper and Rowan.

SKIM THIS SHOW.  There’s some really good action, but some really ridiculous stuff, too.  DVR is your friend for this show.


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