Before we get started, there’s some housekeeping to deal with. The format on this piece may change over the coming weeks. With WWE Network streaming pre-taped shows live, and possibly cancelling the TV broadcasts altogether. For the meantime, I’m going to continue “spoiling” shows that have technically already aired. Why? Because there’s a good chance you didn’t watch Main Event when it aired live, and you’re more likely to watch NXT when you’ve heard there’s an awesome match you just can’t miss.
Now, let’s get to the spoilers.
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Los Matadores d Ryback & Curtis Axel
Yeah, you read that correctly. Here’s hoping Ryback and Curtis Axel have friends in TNA, because they clearly don’t have any on WWE’s creative team. Anyway, this sounds like an OK match, with surprisingly-good crowd heat, until El Torito causes the distraction, giving Los Matadores the win.
AJ Lee d Natalya.
This was a Divas title match. These two have worked with each other A LOT – and it shows here. Wrestlezone’s reviewer says this is the best non-NXT divas match he’s seen in a long time. I believe it. Luckily, the right person wins when Natty taps out to the Black Widow.
Santino and Emma have a date… in catering. To the people complaining about Emma, or immediately giving up on her, think about this: When divas get called in an immediately become champion, they DIE when they lose the title, because there’s nowhere else to go. Your most recent example? Kaitlyn. Remember her?
Dean Ambrose d Mark Henry
United States title was on the line here, which is a nice touch. I like that Mark Henry has moved into the role of popular killer, who is credible in the main event, who’s helping to make the next-gen guys look good. This is smart booking. Ambrose wins with the headlock driver.
WATCH THIS SHOW. The best thing about Main Event moving to the Network – and airing live – is that WWE is suddenly taking the show VERY seriously. It was already their “main roster NXT” – meaning it was the show where the dudes you know went to have good matches. Now it’s becoming the show where they have good matches that matter. That’s an important difference – and it will make this show can’t-miss.
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Alberto Del Rio d Sin Cara
Yeah, it’s this match again. At least with Hunico under the mask, this match should be pretty decent. ADR blocks a swanton and kills Cara with a superkick.
Dolph Ziggler d Fandango
Ziggler wins with a Zig-Zag, in what is probably a pretty good little match.
WATCH THIS SHOW. Yeah, I know, it’s Superstars. It’s the TV equivalent of a house show, where guys just wrestle to fill the time. But it’s airing on the Network, and you have nothing better to do. Watch this show real quick before you re-watch that episode of Legends House.
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Sheamus d Heath Slater Thanks for coming, Heath Slater. I’d bet good money Drew & Jinder take some bumps in this one, too.
Triple H cuts a promo about Daniel Bryan. He calls out Damien Sandow, and blasts him for not getting into the ring during the Occupy Raw segment. Sandow apologizes, but…
Seth Rollins d Damien Sandow Rollins wins clean. After the match, Sandow eats a triple powerbomb.
Big E d Fandango This match goes less than two minutes. Maybe they figured the Intercontinental Champion needed his heat back, after looking like an idiot (and a heel) the last few weeks, while dealing with the Real Americans. Maybe.
Bad News Barrett says the streak will end at Wrestlemania. If you believe him, well, I’m afraid I have some bad news.
Goldust & Cody Rhodes d The Real Americans Cody pins Swagger with a backslide. Real Americans beat down the Brotherhood after the match. Usos make the save. I wonder where this is going.
Bray Wyatt d Kofi Kingston Kofi apparently takes a SICK Sister Abigail.
Nikki Bella d Tamina Rack attack forces Tamina to submit. AJ is on commentary for this one, which immediately makes this segment 50% more watchable.
Dolph Ziggler d Alberto Del Rio Remember when these guys were feuding over the World Heavyweight Title? That was less than a year ago. After the match, Ziggler enters himself into the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.
Carlos Colon is announced for the Hall of Fame. I’m sure the Little Rock audience has no idea who he is. Hope Carlito is free that weekend.
Big Show d Kane Shield were at ringside for this one, as ordered by Kane, but they didn’t help. Kane got mad after the match and tried to chokeslam Rollins, but ate a spear for his efforts. Shield stands tall over Corporate Kane to end the show.
WATCH THIS SHOW. Some weeks, Smackdown feels more like an “In Your House” pay-per-view from years past, than it does a regular TV show. On paper, this is one of those weeks.
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