It’s Day Three of #BatistaWeek, and we’ll help you get through the end of Hump Day this GIF parade. It’s mostly Batista entrances.
We’re here to talk about Batista. Well, actually, we are here to show you a bunch of GIFS of how Batista.
There’s my personal favorite, which is Batista saying.
“What is your malfunction? I’m hurt! I can’t compete!” while looking his very Bro-iest
Though most people’s favorite Batista moment would likely be this one:
Mostly for Triple H and (more importantly) Ric Flair’s faces.
But, let’s face it, the best part of Batista is the entrances.
Oh, the entrances.
Even he gets excited about them,
because they really are the best.
Even when they are far away.
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