Happy Holidays and Other Reasons For Us to Not Write for a Week and a Half (Also, Announcements)

After whatever we produce today, we’ll likely be taking some sort of hiatus until January 1st, at least with Wrestler of the Week and Raw Regurgitated, but likely with pretty much everything. Of course, we’ll have content next week, but it will be of the Best Of variety because that’s what websites like us do at this time of the year.

Most importantlyWrestler of the Week will be back on January 6th with the start of Royal Rumble month, where we celebrate some of the best performers in the history of the show, but not just for their work at WWE’s second biggest PPV.

For those who aren’t the type to read comments on our articles, we’ll be starting off with the man who had the single greatest Royal Rumble performance ever, Ric Flair. As always, we’ll discuss the Dirtiest Player in the Game’s legacy and all the usual stuff that comes with our (patent-pending) Juice Make Sugar Wrestler  of the Week series (minus the broken Listicle-related promises).

Along with Royal Rumble month, we’ll also be introducing what we hope is a weekly podcast: Andy and Nick Tag Team Wrestling. This is part of the new “multimedia” Juice Make Sugar that we’ll be building out over the next few months as we work our way towards what will hopefully be an even bigger announcement in the late spring.
So, there’s all that. We’ll be around, working everyday to make Juice Make Sugar the revolutionary force in smart mark entertainment if you need us, but otherwise, enjoy the ride.

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