Month: July 2013

What's the Worst That Could Happen: Impact Wrestling 7/25
After building last week’s edition of Impact Wrestling around a World Heavyweight Title change, TNA goes into this week promising to resolve another title situation by introducing a new X-Division Champion. Along with the surefire title change, TNA is advertising a big time Bound for Glory Series matchup between A.J. Styles and Jeff Hardy along with two other BFG series contests.

Essential Viewings: "Stunning" Steve Austin vs. "Flyin'" Brian (WCW Worldwide, 1992)
The match is fast-paced, simultaneously displaying the grace and execution of a well-practiced acrobatic show along with the grit and desperation of a legitimate struggle. Austin and Pillman whip each other to the ground with mean-looking takedowns and seem to apply great leverage to every pin and great effort to every kickout.